var Moduletable = CAF.model('#{activePageBean.clientIds['defaultForm:asyncTable1']}');
var ModuleTemp = Moduletable.template();
for(i=0;i< Moduletable.getRowCount();i++)
var id1 = ModuleTemp.getControlId('htmlOutputText7');
var id2 = ModuleTemp.getControlId('htmlOutputText4');
var id3 = ModuleTemp.getControlId('htmlOutputText6');
var id4 = ModuleTemp.getControlId('htmlSelectOneMenu1');
var id5 = ModuleTemp.getControlId('htmlSelectOneMenu');
var sysID = Moduletable.get(i);
var idm1 = id1.replace('__template',sysID);
var idm2 = id2.replace('__template',sysID);
var idm3 = id3.replace('__template',sysID);
var idm4 = id4.replace('__template',sysID);
var idm5 = id5.replace('__template',sysID);
var modulename = CAF.model(idm1).getValue();
var date3 = CAF.model(idm2).getValue();
var date7 = CAF.model(idm3).getValue();
var exammonth= CAF.model(idm4).getValue();
var examyear = CAF.model(idm5).getValue();
var startmonth =date3.getMonth();
var startyear = date3.getYear();
startmonth =startmonth+ 1;
var endmonth =date7.getMonth();
var endyear = date7.getYear();
endmonth = endmonth + 1;
if(startyear > examyear)
alert('Enter valid Exam month and Year for'+ modulename);
return false;
if(endyear <examyear )
alert('Enter valid Exam month and Year for '+ modulename);
return false;
if(startyear == examyear)
if(startmonth >exammonth )
alert('Enter valid Exam month and Year for '+modulename);
return false;
if(endyear == examyear)
if(endmonth < exammonth )
alert('Enter valid Exam month and Year for '+ modulename);
return false;